Stephanie Norrell
Stephanie Norrell has more than 25 years of experience in working with state government in Alabama, spending countless hours at the State House during sessions, walking the halls and building relationships, including strong relationships with trade associations.
She previously worked for AmSouth Bank, the Business Council of Alabama and the Alabama Bankers Association before moving to contract lobbying work in 2006. In addition, she worked for almost four years on Capitol Hill in the office of U.S. Representative Cass Ballenger after college.
Key Areas of Expertise
Government relations
Legislative affairs
Building coalitions around issues
Key Professional Experience
Government Relations, AmSouth Bank
Government Relations, Business Council of Alabama
Government Relations, Alabama Bankers Association
Press Secretary, US Congressman Cass Ballenger (NC)
Member, Alabama Council of Association Executives
Past Member, Alabama Civil Justice Reform Committee
Past Member, Business Associations Tax Coalition
BA in Economics from the University of North Carolina