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March 15, 2021 Group Watch: Grant Will Help Alabama Workers

The National Governors Association (NGA) has awarded Alabama a $100,000 Workforce Innovation Network and Workforce Innovation Fund grant to develop innovative policies for reskilling Alabamians who have been displaced by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Governor Ivey, the goal is to provide displaced workers with all the resources needed to

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March 15, 2021 Group Watch: Capitol & Governor’s Mansion Back Open

The Alabama Capitol and the Governor’s Mansion are now open to the public. “As more Alabamians voluntarily get vaccinated and our COVID-19 numbers continue in an encouraging direction, it is proper that our state capitol and governor’s mansion are once again open to the public,” Governor Ivey said.

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March 15, 2021 Group Watch:

The Alabama Senate failed to get the required 21 votes to approve a measure to expand gambling and establish a lottery in the state. The vote was 19-13. Governor Ivey issued a statement after the vote saying that vote count confirms more work needs to be done and the issue

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March 15, 2021 Group Watch: New Bill Proposes Lottery, But No Casinos

Senator Jim McClendon (R-Springville) introduced a bill last week to propose a lottery only, what he calls a “clean” lottery bill. He believes (because people in his district have said as much) that the lottery-only approach is what people are most interested in when it comes to expanding gambling in

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March 15, 2021 Group Watch: Pets on Restaurant Patios

The bill that will allow dogs on restaurant patios is one step closer to being passed by the legislature; last week, it was approved by the Senate Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Development Committee after being passed by the House earlier in the session. The bill allows restaurants to welcome leashed

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March 15, 2021 Group Watch: AL’s Insects

You might know that Alabama’s official state insect is the regal Monarch butterfly, but the state has an official mascot too, and it’s also a butterfly, an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail. Read more here.

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March 15, 2021 Group Watch: AL Approves Legislation Benefitting Military Families

Military families make decisions on whether they continue to serve based on opportunities for education, job opportunities and healthcare; adequately addressing these issues is seen by the Pentagon as a readiness issue. Last week, the Alabama Legislature made the state “friendlier” to military members and their families when it passed

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March 15, 2021 Group Watch: Delay on Bill to Check Ivey’s Power

A bill designed to check Governor Ivey’s emergency powers was headed for the Senate, but has been put on pause for now. Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth and some Republican lawmakers have disagreed with several of the governor’s decisions during the the pandemic, including business restrictions and mask mandates, and feel,

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March 8, 2021 Group Watch: News & Views from the State House

Last week — the fourth of the 2021 regular session — saw debates around gay and transgender issues as well as the FY22 General Fund Budget approved by committee (meaning the House is like to take it up this week) and the passage of multiple board, agency and commission continuation bills. Here’s a rundown of

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March 8, 2021 Group Watch: House Approves Bill to Remove Anti-Gay Language

The Alabama House passed a bill that deletes from state law a requirement that sex education courses in public schools include condemnation of homosexuality. The bill by Rep. Laura Hall of Huntsville amends the state law that sets minimum requirements for sex education courses. This measure had bipartisan support and

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