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5/20/2019 Group Watch: New Auto Supplier

Japan-based DaikyoNishikawa US plans to invest $110 million to open an auto parts manufacturing facility in Huntsville (its first in the United States) to serve the Mazda Toyota Manufacturing U.S.A. assembly plant now under construction. The company will create approximately 380 jobs at the new Alabama facility, which will produce plastic

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May 13, 2019 Group Watch: News & Views from the State House

Abortion and medical marijuana were just a few of the issues the Legislature worked on last week. Here are the details of the bills moving along: Tuesday, Day 16 of Regular Session: The House Commerce and Small Business Committee approved a bill to prohibit retaliation against an employee who brings a charge of wage discrimination. The House

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5/13/2019 Group Watch: Shelby Proposes Balanced Budget

U.S. Senator Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, re-introduced legislation proposing a constitutional amendment that would require Congress to pass a balanced budget. Shelby is concerned with the nation’s growing national debt, which has soared to $22 trillion. If passed by the Congress and then ratified by three-fourth of the states, this amendment to

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5/13/2019 Group Watch: Birmingham Hosts Tech Summits

The Aerospace Innovation Technology Summit and the Automotive Advanced Technology Summit both took place in Birmingham with 200 companies participating. The Alabama Department of Commerce is among the sponsors of the summits, which featured workshops, presentations and business-to-business meetings. The automotive and aerospace industries are major drivers of economic growth in

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May 6, 2019 Group Watch: News & Views from the State House

Making news this week: The state’s economic development efforts are making great strides, and halfway through the regular session, the Education budget is moving along. Here’s a recap of the rest. Tuesday, Day 14 of Regular Session: The Senate Local Legislation Committee approved four bills of local application only. The Senate Finance and Taxation Education Committee approved the Education budget,

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5/6/2019 Group Watch: Economic Development Wins

Governor Ivey announced that companies locating in Alabama or expanding existing operations invested $8.7 billion in growth projects in 2018, setting a new record for the state. It is anticipated that the investment will generate 17,000 new jobs in communities across the state. Growth in important industry sectors including automotive and

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5/6/2019 Group Watch: Major Georgia Pacific Expansion

Georgia-Pacific recently announced plans to invest more than $120 million to add a new tissue machine and roll storage building at its mill in Choctaw County. The new projects continue Atlanta-based Georgia-Pacific’s modernization of the Naheola mill, which includes ongoing construction of a new biomass boiler and wood yard. In the

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5/6/2019 Group Watch: Tweet of the Week

@SalenaZito May 3 This is incredibly gripping. Never forget. Israel comes to a standstill with a two-minute siren wailing across the country in remembrance of the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. 

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April 29, 2019 Group Watch: News & Views from the State House

An Alabama Lottery is one step closer to reality, Rebuild Alabama projects are already beginning, and plenty of other work got done by the Alabama Legislature last week. Here’s a recap. Tuesday, Day 12 of Regular Session: The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee approved several House-passed bills and Senate-originated bills to authorize zoning in municipal police jurisdictions in counties where

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4/29/2019 Group Watch: Major Transportation Project

Governor Kay Ivey recently announced that the Alabama Department of Transportation is purchasing the right of way for the expansion of McFarland Boulevard in Tuscaloosa from State Route 69 to Rice Mine Road as part of the Rebuild Alabama First Year Plan 2020. Governor Ivey signed into law the Rebuild Alabama

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