5/20/2019 Group Watch: Tweet of the Week
May 16
Back on the budget language. This is one of the hardest working men I know @AlabamaDeptofEd
May 16
Back on the budget language. This is one of the hardest working men I know @AlabamaDeptofEd
It looks like lottery legislation will come up this week after changes concerning a lottery’s proceeds allocation were made in committee last week. The switch now has funds going to the General Fund (75 percent) and the Education Fund (25 percent). Previously, the monies were to go into the state’s oil and gas trust fund. Supporters are hopeful but admit, getting an Alabama lottery is in no way a sure thing. And even if the legislation is passed, it does not go to the governor for signature. The constitutional amendment needed to create a state lottery would go on a ballot to decided by all Alabama voters.
Japan-based DaikyoNishikawa US plans to invest $110 million to open an auto parts manufacturing facility in Huntsville (its first in the United States) to serve the Mazda Toyota Manufacturing U.S.A. assembly plant now under construction. The company will create approximately 380 jobs at the new Alabama facility, which will produce plastic automotive parts.
U.S. Senator Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, re-introduced legislation proposing a constitutional amendment that would require Congress to pass a balanced budget. Shelby is concerned with the nation’s growing national debt, which has soared to $22 trillion. If passed by the Congress and then ratified by three-fourth of the states, this amendment to the Constitution would require the total amount of money spent by the United States during any fiscal year, except during times of war, not exceed the amount of revenue received by the government during the same fiscal year, and not exceed 20 percent of the gross domestic product during the previous calendar year.
The Aerospace Innovation Technology Summit and the Automotive Advanced Technology Summit both took place in Birmingham with 200 companies participating. The Alabama Department of Commerce is among the sponsors of the summits, which featured workshops, presentations and business-to-business meetings. The automotive and aerospace industries are major drivers of economic growth in Alabama, and these business conventions in Birmingham offer a pathway for companies from across the country and around the world to seek new opportunities and understand how their peers are utilizing and advancing the latest technologies.
Governor Ivey announced that companies locating in Alabama or expanding existing operations invested $8.7 billion in growth projects in 2018, setting a new record for the state. It is anticipated that the investment will generate 17,000 new jobs in communities across the state. Growth in important industry sectors including automotive and aerospace remained strong in 2018, creating momentum for future gains. Other sectors, particularly forest products, also charted a growth trajectory.
Georgia-Pacific recently announced plans to invest more than $120 million to add a new tissue machine and roll storage building at its mill in Choctaw County. The new projects continue Atlanta-based Georgia-Pacific’s modernization of the Naheola mill, which includes ongoing construction of a new biomass boiler and wood yard. In the past five years, Georgia-Pacific’s capital investment at the Naheola mill has totaled more than $500 million, and its statewide investments have totaled approximately $1.6 billion. Across Alabama, Georgia-Pacific operates eight facilities, employs more than 2,600 directly and pays more than $204 million in direct wages and benefits.
May 3
This is incredibly gripping. Never forget.
Israel comes to a standstill with a two-minute siren wailing across the country in remembrance of the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust. https://abcn.ws/2ZIOQDQ